For Coaches & Teams

What We Do

The CAP Project helps coaches navigate challenges that occur when parent-athlete-coach dynamics adversely impact individual athletes or the team culture.

Through customized evidence-based strategies, we help you create a parent culture that supports your team values and athletes.

Our Services


Our handbook for parents, Playing the Long Game, offers strategies for navigating the fine line between supporting athletes and fostering the autonomy they need for peak performance.


We offer webinars and Q&A sessions for teams, parents, and coaches to facilitate conversations around goal-setting, best practices for supporting athletes, and building parent culture. Available virtually or in-person.


We introduce effective strategies and protocols to optimize coach-athlete-parent relationships, tailored to your team.

"Dr. Sue and Maureen did a session for our parents and I'm so grateful for their time. The feedback I received from the parents was amazing. If you are a parent wondering how to help your athlete manage disappointment and build resilience, or if you are a coach wanting to give your athletes' parents a powerful resource, check out their book, Playing the Long Game: A Handbook for Parenting Elite or College Athletes, or visit their website,!"

- Jordan Pietrus, Colorado Thunderbirds Hockey

  • “Thank you for these webinars. I found the content full of great strategies to help us better support our athletes in managing up, taking ownership and being more resilient.”

    - Liz and John Palmquist - Parents of a D1 Athlete

  • “Thanks for providing these resources to parents. We have heard from parents whose kids play in other D1 programs and they aren't given the opportunity to be a part of these types of resources. To me, it is an example of the positive culture your program is known for.”

    - Parent Participant - Webinar Programs at University of Denver